Some of my best Raspberry Pi moments!

Here are a few of my best Raspberry Pi moments so far!!!!!!!!!!

Minecraft and Raspbian!

When I first got my Pi 3 I used Raspbian Jessie! It had Minecraft Pi Edition preinstalled!

Chromium and Raspberry Pi

I installed Chromium 48 onto my Pi 3! It was really fast!

Follow my guide:

OpenGL Driver success!

OpenGL wasn’t working on my Pi 3 once, but now it is working!

It boots up every single time with success!!!!!

Run C files!

I could compile C files into .exe files, then install mono-complete, then type ./filename.exe to run the program!

Python Games

A lot of Python Game examples came preinstalled with Raspbian!

I have a lot more moments about Raspberry Pi, and I will tell you some in a future blog post!

Epic Chas Gamer 🙂

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