Sir Wolf’s Castle – Story 3 Part 2

“Brine, you are under arrest!” shouted Sir Wolf. “Stealing the prince is a criminal offence and as we all know is against the law!”.

“The Prince? You never told me that!” conplained Brine.

“Yes I did”

Brine, go and bring that wolf to me! He will become the prince once found and saved from Shield Evil.

Yes Sir

“Er… I forgot?” mumbled Brine.

“You have failed to provide me with a good enough reason, Brine. Guards, lock him up!” shouted Sir Wolf.

“I accept… wait, for how long?” gave in Brine.

“Two years.” said Wolfy.

“I still accept” groaned Brine.

Two guards came and locked Brine up (they were both untamed so they pushed him into prison).

Sir Wolf decided to raise the small puppy as Push. But Sir Wolf doesn’t know what the future is for Push…

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